The company Luxury Aerial Vogue s.r.o with its registered office at Na Ohradě 1211/6, Praha3, IČ: 21963789, processes the following personal data:
  • name and surname
  • cookies
  • IP address
  • company name
  • e-mail
    First name, surname, cookies, IP address, company name and e-mail can be processed on the basis of performance of the contract in order to fill in the contact form, which sends a non-binding request for services provided by Luxury Aerial Vogue.

    Furthermore, it is also possible to process personal data on the basis of performance of the contract if the order form for the event is completed. This data will be processed by the Administrator for 4 years.

    First name, surname, cookies, IP address, company name and e-mail may be used on a legitimate interest to send newsletters to Luxury Aerial Vogue clients. This data will be processed by the Administrator for 4 years.

    The processing of personal data may also be processed by the following processors:
    application provider, web interface, information system, marketing software or print service provider.